Counting down the time until I have to board my flight to Europe. I did a sushi lunch with my friend, Claire. We mused about how many pictures I will be taking of my host cats while I am there and her future trip to Italy. It is really starting to sink in that I am going to be almost 9,000 km away (yes, I figured I would bust out the kilometer since it will be the standard in Wien). I am getting VERY excited to speak German on a daily basis but fear for all of the Austrians who have to hear me speak! ;)
I had a great dinner with my friends, Nikki, Courtney, Kasey and Jamie, at Steelhead Brewing Co. down near 5th Street Market. I ate my last meal of Mexican food for the next 3 and 1/2 months since I will not be getting much in Vienna. ( Mom points out that nachos are not real Mexican food, but I don't care because it tasted soooo good!) We spent a couple hours wining and dining and catching up. I was sad to say farewells but I know 3 months is not really that long and almost all of them have skype :)
I am STILL packing and finding things to add to my suitcase. I know I do not need 20 shirts but it is so hard for a serial over-packer to relinquish the idea that I cannot take everything with me :/
Oh well, time for bed. Last day of summer school is tomorrow and I am looking forward to making some progress with my packing. Wish me luck!