Saturday, November 20, 2010

Weihnacht Markt

Other than having some minor issues with my host situation, this week has been good. Markus, the Vienna 1900 teacher, took us to St. Michael's Crypt. It was so interesting to see the mummified bodies and the coffins, only a little bit beneath the church's floor. We couldn't take any photos so I'm sorry I can't post any, but the guide showed up bodies with lace or silk clothing still intact, and even some women with intact high-heeled shoes! We saw little baby coffins, which were sad to see. They call them "Engel" which means angel.

Afterward, Markus bought us some hot Orangen Punsch, which I think is made from orange juice, rum, spices, tea and sugar. I did not think I would like it since Orange punch sounds kind of gross to me, but in this cold weather, there is nothing better than a delicious drink that warms you up:) I am going to look for the recipe so I can make some back home during the holidays!

On Friday, Ian, Cyd, Rose, Alice and I went to the Weihnacht Markt (Christmas Market) and walked around. Unfortunately it was raining so we did not end up going to the other markets around Vienna.

Tonight, Alice and Rose invited some of us over for dinner at their place. I am excited to see their place since it is in a different part of the city that I haven't really explored.

As of right now, I only have 12 days until my program ends and 28 days until I am back in the states. This has gone by so fast and I've had so much fun, but I will be really happy to be back home. The only thing I am stressing about right now, besides my upcoming finals, is my baggage. I know my bags are going to be overweight but if my checked bag is over too much, they could charge me a small fortune. ARGH! So sometime next week I am going to try packing all of my belongings up and weighing them so I can be prepared to pay and maybe get rid of a few things I do not need to bring home. It pays to under pack! Hopefully next time I will listen;)

Punsch Recipe for those who might want to try it at home:

3 litres/12 cups of red wine
1 litre/4 cups of water
0,12 litre/ 0.5 cup of Austrian rum (80vol% alcohol)
                         (if you have to use carribean rum, use 0,25 litre)
0,75 litre/3 cups  fresh orange juice
250 g/1 cup of sugar
2 sticks of cinnamon, a few cloves (you will just need gloves to hold the hot cup !)
some orange peel

Put everything into a big pot, just heat, do not boil !!