Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gösser Kirtag

Tomorrow is my Friday and I'm off to see Susi in Leoben. She invited me to the annual Gösser Kirtag, which is a beerfest put on my Gösser, a popular brand of beer in Austria. I'm looking forward to a fun night with Susi and her friends. 

On Saturday, I'm planning on going with Cyd and Ian to see the Hundertwasser-Krawinahaus. It was designed and built in the 1980's and has over 250 trees going through the building.  

"An uneven floor is a divine melody to the feet"

I will post pictures this weekend:)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


As usual, I am loving my time in Vienna. But lately, now that the rush and excitement of the unknown have faded, I am starting to miss things about America, about home. I miss ice cubes. I miss getting water as a main drink, not in addition to kaffee. I miss freedom and understanding everything. But that is what you pay for with study abroad, that feeling of "oh-my-god-I-am-a-scared-shitless-and-do-not-have-a-clue-what-is-going-on".

I've always been of the mind that living permanently anywhere outside of America would be great. That Europe would blow my mind and I would never want to leave. Truthfully, I really do enjoy Vienna, the thrill of living in a big city and forging through the streets like an angry New Yorker, trying foreign food, and drinking at cafes. But I also miss the simplicity of Oregon, the delicious water, the fresh air, and the friendly people. I probably sound like a typical American when I say I love the US, but there is something to be said about enjoying where you come from. I am positive the Viennese feel the same way, since they are a proud people who will boast their Viennese heritage, even if it only goes back a generation or two.

I guess I'm at a point where I've left the honeymoon phases and feel the need to nitpick and compare.
Vienna is truly an exciting and beautiful city and I am so grateful to be here studying, but its not quiet home yet...